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The Tamworth History Center invites you to join us on a woods walk:
The Lost Roads of Hackett Hill, South Tamworth - 1:00 pm Sunday, Oct. 16 (rain date Sun. Oct 23). A walk led by Chris Conrod of Tamworth’s Roads Committee. The route is about two miles long, a mix of Class VI and discontinued roads. Some bushwhacking, but easy terrain. Stone walls, cellarholes, foundations, archeological relics. About 2.5 hours, but there's an easy escape route about halfway through.
Park at Bearcamp Center, Bunker Hill Rd. and 113A, then carpool.This follows our Annual Meeting at Union Hall, 5:30 Sat. October 15, with a program on South Tamworth’s and the Hall’s lively history, in photos and stories. Come to both and celebrate South Tamworth!